Nevis Premier hopeful discussions with potential investors bear fruit

Premier of Nevis and Minister of Finance Hon. Vance Amory
NIA CHARLESTOWN NEVIS (November 22, 2013) –Premier of Nevis and Minister of Finance Hon. Vance Amory expressed hope that discussions held with potential investors in Miami would bear fruit.
Mr. Amory, who is in Miami attending the 7th Global Residence and Citizenship Conference hosted by Henley & Partners, told the Department of Information on November 22, 2013, that some of his meetings during his visit to Miami set the stage for greater development in Nevis.
“Last evening I met with some private investors whom I had met when they visited Nevis and they have reiterated very serious intentions of investing in our tourism development and have also expressed an interest in NIA Bonds to finance public sector projects.
“I presented them with a series of private sector project proposals which are currently being considered by the Nevis Island Government, with a view to the possibility of their also showing interest in any of those projects as equity partners. These discussions will be advanced within a short time and they have been asked to make a proposal for the level of investment they would like to make in Nevis. All in all, the conference presents opportunities for very positive outcomes. I am hopeful that the efforts we make will bear fruit in the not too distant future,” he said.
The Premier also disclosed that he was scheduled to make a presentation at the Conference today with regard to investment opportunities on Nevis.
“Today I am speaking at the “Global Residence and Citizenship Conference Miami” about opportunities for investment in Real Estate and government projects for social and economic development in Nevis as part of our thrust to promote the economic citizenship programme.
“Yesterday there was a very interesting presentation by Mr. Terry Scanlan of the Four Seasons Resort Estates (FSRE) development project. In talking to the representative of the FSRE, it was revealed that over 100 workers have already been employed on the new project,” he said.
According to the Henley & Partners’ website, the firm has been described as the global leader in residence and citizenship planning with a clientele of wealthy individuals and families and their advisors who depend on its expertise in that specialized area.
It also gave some background information about the term “residence and citizenship planning”which was coined by Henley & Partners more than 15 years ago and also about other advisory services offered to governments worldwide.
“As globalization has expanded, residence and citizenship have become topics of significant interest among the increasing number of internationally mobile entrepreneurs and investors whom we proudly serve every day.
“Henley & Partners also runs an important government advisory practice. Its assignments range from strategic consulting to assistance in the design and operation of investment-related immigration programme,” it said.