Nevis Seniors encouraged to adjust to technological environment

NIA CHARLESTOWN NEVIS (FEBRUARY 03, 2016) Senior citizens of St. James’ Parish are expected to benefit from a computer training course by learning new skills and techniques, said Permanent Secretary in the Ministry of Social Development, Mr. Keith Glasgow. This remark was made during the opening ceremony of the Basic Computer Skills Course for Seniors on February 01, 2016. The course, a joint coordination of the Departments of Education and Social Services is being facilitated at the Violet O J Nicholls (VOJN) Primary School Computer Laboratory.
Mr. Glasgow also said the ministry is giving its full support to trainees and trainers during this second phase of computer training.
“I want to wish both trainers and trainees tremendous success in this endeavour as we embark on the second course which is so very important because of the type of technological environment that we are living in.”
Meanwhile, Coordinator of the Senior Citizens Division Mrs. Garcia Hendrickson said the Basic Computer Skills Class comprises of 11 registered seniors and three caregivers. She told the Department of Information that the idea of the computer courses was conceived on the premise that seniors should be able to use electronic communication when connecting with loved ones abroad.
The training started with the St. John’s and St. George’s Recreational Groups and now is afforded to the St. James’ Seniors Recreational Group. The training sessions are expected to extend over an eight-week period, Hendrickson said.
During the ceremony, Coordinator of Adult and Continuing Education Mrs. Adina Taylor further welcomed the seniors “to the wonderful world of computers.” In a brief overview of the course she said
“You’ll learn how to boot up your computer…to send your e-mails, you’ll be reading the news, keeping up with everything that is going on around you.”