Nevis Tourism Youth Minister returns home victorious from 2024 CTO Tourism Youth Congress

Nevis’ Miss Keyana Warner, the 2024 CTO Regional Tourism Youth Minister (3rd from right) receives a hero’s welcome upon arriving home on September 09, 2024


NIA CHARLESTOWN NEVIS (September 11, 2024)- Nevis Tourism Youth Minister Miss Keyana Warner returned home on Monday, September 09 to a celebratory reception at the Charlestown ferry terminal, having been judged winner of the 20th Caribbean Tourism Organization (CTO) Tropical Shipping Regional Tourism Youth Congress held in the Cayman Islands on September 05, 2024.

Miss Warner, a student of the Charlestown Secondary School (CSS), delivered a riveting presentation at the Congress, a highlight event of the CTO State of the Tourism Industry Conference (SOTIC), to beat out 11 other young tourism advocates from across the region.

Nevis Tourism Youth Minister Miss Keyana Warner (2nd from right) wins 20th Caribbean Tourism Organization (CTO) Tropical Shipping Regional Tourism Youth Congress in the Cayman Islands on September 05, 2024

The new CTO Regional Tourism Youth Minister was greeted by family, friends, classmates, teachers, and officials from the Ministries of Tourism and Education in the Nevis Island Administration (NIA), and the Nevis Tourism Authority (NTA).

Permanent Secretary in the Ministry of Tourism Mr. John Hanley congratulated Miss Warner on her victory.

We’re truly delighted to be gathered here to bid a warm welcome to our Youth Junior Tourism Minister who has just returned from the Cayman Islands where she very proudly and excellently represented Nevis at the 2024 Tourism Youth Congress,” he said.

“Young Miss Warner placed as the regional champion and we are truly proud of her. The last time Nevis accomplished this feat was about 10 years ago in [Rol-J Williamson] so Miss Warner you are in the league of very great persons. There’s a lot in store for you and we look forward to great things. Congratulations.”

Ms. Zahnela Claxton, Permanent Secretary in the Ministry of Education, joined Mr. Hanley in congratulating Miss Warner and commending her stellar performance at the regional congress. She said looking at Ms. Warner’s performance during the live stream of the event, she’d had every confidence that the young student would have won.

“We were at our computers watching and supporting and cheering, and we were enthralled with all that you did…

“On behalf of all of us and all who worked with you from the Ministries of Education and Tourism, I want to commend and congratulate you for a job well done. We are proud of you and we know you have so much more in store, and we look forward to all of the great things that are to come.”

Nevis Tourism Youth Minister Miss Keyana Warner delivers winning presentation at the 20th Caribbean Tourism Organization (CTO) Tropical Shipping Regional Tourism Youth Congress in the Cayman Islands on September 05, 2024

Miss Warner expressed her appreciation for the reception and thanked everyone or their kind words and support throughout her journey to the local and regional congresses.

“It’s an honour to have this title and I am very thankful for it. I want to thank my team. We all did a great job and we did it!”

The Youth Tourism Minister’s parents Kenny and Nekisha Warner as well as her younger brother Kamorli were on hand to welcome her back to Nevis, with the principal, teachers and her classmates from the CSS cheering loudly. Judith Liburd, Tropical Shipping Island Manager for Nevis was also present to welcome Miss Warner as the local representative for the Congress title sponsor.

Premier of Nevis and Minister of Tourism in the NIA the Honourable Mark Brantley has offered congratulatory comments on the young student’s achievement in the regional competition.

“Accolades have poured in from all across the region for Miss Warner and I certainly join in congratulating her, her family, her school, and those who have worked so hard to prepare her and certainly the officials here at the Ministry of Tourism.

“Young Keyana Warner is a star. Great things are in store for her and I congratulate her. She has truly made Nevis and all of us proud.”

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