Nevis Water Services Minister Brand pledges to continue working to make water sector climate resilient

NIA CHARLESTOWN NEVIS (October 17, 2018) — Hon. Spencer Brand, Minister responsible for Water Services in the Nevis Island Administration (NIA), pledged to continue to work with regional and international partners to make the water sector on Nevis climate resilient.
Mr. Brand’s comment came following his attendance at the 14th Annual High Level Forum for Caribbean Ministers of Water at the Jewel Grand Montego Bay Hotel Resort and Spa in Jamaica from October 09th to 10th, 2018, which sought to promote climate resilience, innovation and partnership while addressing the issues of water and waste water as resources in sustainable development. The meeting was hosted by the Caribbean Water and Waste Water Association (CWWA), at its 27th Annual Conference and Exhibition at the Hilton Rose Hall Hotel.

The minister stated that the forum was attended by key partners who continue to work with CWWA to elevate water and waste water issues to the political and regional agenda, namely the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB), the Caribbean Development Bank (CDB), UN Environment, the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO), the Caribbean Community (CARICOM) Secretariat and other indigenous regional agencies.
Mr. Brand expressed satisfaction that the objectives of the meeting were met.
“I believe the three objectives of the forum were achieved which were first of all to bring together ministers, technocrats and development partners, in a high level political and policy forum to review and provide endorsement and support for the Regional Strategic Action Pan (RSAP) for Governance and Building Climate Resilience in the Water Sector in the Caribbean.
“Secondly, to discuss and agree on an implementation strategy and roadmap of the RSAP with various donor and development partners as well as financing options; and finally to share updated information and tools on aspects of water development in the Caribbean,” he said.
The minister was accompanied at the forum by Dr. Ernie Stapleton, Permanent Secretary in the Ministry of Water Services who served as a presenter.
While in Jamaica, Mr. Brand and Dr. Stapleton were able to hold discussions with a number of service providers in the water sector.