NTA Visitor Survey rates Nevis highly

NIA CHARLESTOWN NEVIS (May 12, 2021) — The following is a press release from the Nevis Tourism Authority (NTA) regarding results of a recent wide-ranging visitor survey.
Nevis remains a popular destination of choice for visitors, according to the results of a recently released survey. The Nevis Tourism Authority (NTA) conducted a wide-ranging visitor survey, a strategic initiative to obtain information and feedback that will guide the development of the island’s overall destination marketing and promotion programs.
According to Jadine Yarde, CEO, Nevis Tourism Authority, the participation by visitors in this timely survey was very encouraging – nearly 1,000 respondents participated in the survey. “Visitors were polled in a number of areas and provided key insights into their vacation travel and spending habits. The data also revealed their booking patterns, along with the preferred activities and interests for their respective vacation choices. Their responses will inform our current marketing campaigns, and guide us as we craft our messaging and outreach.”
The top reason most respondents chose Nevis as their preferred vacation destination was for relaxation, a finding that aligns with the NTA’s current focus on positioning Nevis as destination for rejuvenation and renewal. Great value, our cuisine and our people also rated highly on the survey as the leading attributes of a Nevis vacation.
Upon completion of the survey, participants were entered into a lottery for a random chance to win a gift card, courtesy of the NTA. The lucky winner selected was Lana Taylor from Indianapolis, Indiana, who received an Amazon gift card valued at US$100.