NWD continues maintenance work at Stoney Hill Reservoir

Manager of the Nevis Water Department Roger Hanley (file photo)
NIA CHARLESTOWN NEVIS (Feb. 24, 2014) — The Nevis Water Department (NWD) advises that its maintenance work in the Gingerland area will continue this week and could, cause interruptions in the water supply to residents of Rawlins, Golden Rock, Hardtimes and Zetlands Villages.
Last Monday [Feb. 17], the NWD commenced maintenance of distribution mains at the Stoney Hill reservoir in Gingerland but was unable to complete the task on Friday [Feb. 21] as planned.
“We would engage another week at the same location, hopefully to complete before weekend,” said the Department’s Manager, Roger Hanley in a recent release, adding that “we have been experiencing extremely low pressures in the Hanley’s Road area.”
“We are working to resolve the issue hopefully within the next two weeks. We have, as of Thursday 20, February, addressed the problem temporarily,” Hanley said.