Pesticide Logo Competition Launched for Students

NIA-CHARLESTOWN, NEVIS (November 18TH, 2011) — Primary and secondary school students on Nevis are being encouraged, by the Department of Agriculture [DOA], to enter the recently launched logo competition of the Pesticides and Toxic Chemicals Control Board of St. Kitts-Nevis.
In an exclusive interview, earlier this week with the Department of Information, Communications Officer at DOA, Mr. Eric Evelyn, said his department was committed towards assisting the Nevisian students by explaining the criteria.
“We are inviting the school children on Nevis to take part in the logo competition. Show your creativity in designing a logo for the Pesticides and Toxic Chemicals Control Board,” Mr. Evelyn appealed as he called on teachers to promote the competition during regular school hours.
Noting that the Pesticides and Toxic Chemicals Control Board of St. Kitts-Nevis was “responsible for deciding what chemicals are allowed into the Federation,” the agriculture official said there was need for it [the Board] to “be more visible.”
The first place winner, according to Mr. Evelyn, would receive a $500 cash prize while his/her school will receive the equivalent amount.
The entry deadline is Dec. 2, 2011.