Police on Nevis seeking to make island’s roads safe
NIA CHARLESTOWN NEVIS (SEPTEMBER 14, 2018) — Superintendent of Police Lyndon David, Divisional Commander of the Royal St. Christopher and Nevis Police Force, Nevis Division, is urging teachers to encourage students to use the pedestrian crossings wisely.
The senior police officer made the call when he spoke to the Department of Information in a recent interview. He noted that once used properly, the crossings would assist the police with road safety.
“I just want to take this opportunity to remind our teachers and our students. The teachers encourage our students to use the pedestrian crossings wisely and the students look left, look right; look left and right, again, before you cross.
“Motorists, once you see someone making an attempt to cross, just please stop and permit that person to cross the road safely,” he said.
Superintendent David stated that the police is actively addressing other areas to further enhance the level of safety in terms of road use in Charlestown and the rest of the island, including truck drivers.
“We realise that some of these big trucks take up lots of space on the roads and at some corners they are not even blowing their horns. They just go around and have other motorists veering to the left maybe almost run off the road.
“They are to be driving within a particular speed limit. Those big vehicles should go about 15 miles per hour in built up areas and so, we want them to be very careful when they are driving… So we want persons to be responsible. Be responsible on the road,” he said.
The senior police officer also spoke of tinted windows, an ongoing issue the police continue to deal with.
He stated that a number of vehicles in violation of the legislation governing tinting have been impounded along with others that are unlicensed and uninsured.
Superintendent David added that vehicles must be road worthy and individuals manning them must have the appropriate license to be on the road.