Premier Brantley heartened by Nevisians’ kindness as donations pour in for St. Vincent

NIA CHARLESTOWN NEVIS (April 16, 2021) – – Hon. Premier Mark Brantley is heartened by the level of generosity of the Nevisian public as they donate much-needed supplies to the people of St. Vincent in the unfolding humanitarian crisis caused by recent volcanic eruptions.
On Friday, April 16, the Premier visited the Nevis Disaster Management Department (NDMD) warehouse in Long Point where donations are being collected and stored for shipment.
“The eruption of the La Soufriere volcano in St. Vincent has caused massive dislocation of persons. The scenes of what we’ve seen in terms of the devastation are horrific.

“And so my heart is glad today to see the outpouring, the generosity of the people of Nevis. The philanthropy that we see here I think is demonstrative of a caring people.
“I think we have a substantial amount of material here in terms of food, hygienic supplies and water, which is critically needed.
“I believe that this gesture by the people of Nevis will go a long way and is demonstrative that we are our brother’s keeper and our sister’s helper, and we are one Caribbean,” he said.
Mr. Brantley offered consolatory words to the nationals of St. St. Vincent and the Grenadines living and working in Nevis.
“We are on this island are committed to regionalism, we are committed to the other islands in the region and the peoples of the region, and we are, of course, a Caribbean civilization and we have to look out for each other.

“To the Vincentians who call Nevis home, many of whom serve in our Police Force and our Security Forces, I want them to know they remain in our prayers, that their families remain in our prayers and that we as a government and as a people shall do all that we can to support them in this their hour of need and their time of crisis.
“Whenever anyone in the Caribbean suffers, all of us suffer,” he said.
Mr. Brian Dyer, Director at the NDMD, said the collection of supplies going to St. Vincent began April 11, and continued throughout the week.
The NDMD will continue to accept donated supplies up until Monday, April 19, at 12 noon. He said the two 20 foot containers would then be packed to be shipped on April 20.

“We sincerely thank the general public for their donations so far. We are collecting water of any size, hygiene supplies and dry food items.
“Unfortunately we can’t take individual packages as per the instructions of the St. Vincent authorities, but we ask persons to give generously to the overall efforts,” he said.
Premier Brantley thanked Mr. Dyer and his team for coordination the relief efforts on the island.
He revealed that the Nevis Island Administration (NIA) is also in the process of organizing the shipment of a container of bottled water to St. Vincent.