Premier of Nevis to hold 2nd monthly press conference

NIA CHARLESTOWN NEVIS (March 22, 2018) — The following is a notice from the Premier of Nevis regarding his monthly press conference series.
All media houses and members of the press corps are invited to the monthly press conference, which will be held by the Honourable Premier of Nevis, Mark A. G. Brantley, on Thursday March 29th, 2018, at the Cabinet Room, 2nd Floor, Social Security Building, Pinney’s Estate in Nevis from 10:00 a.m.
At this press conference, the Honourable Premier will update citizens, residents and visitors of the Federation on matters of national interest.
The event will be broadcast live on NTv, VON Radio and streamed on the THG Network.
The press corps will be granted the opportunity to ask questions for the benefit of the listening and viewing audience.
Your presence is anticipated and will be greatly appreciated.