Premier of Nevis updated on progress of Geothermal Project; developers assure advancement

CHARLESTOWN NEVIS (September 07, 2010) — Premier of Nevis Hon. Joseph Parry, received an update on the advances made by geothermal developers West Indies Power Nevis Ltd. in their pursuit to provide geothermal energy to Nevis. He received the information when the company’s top officials visited him at his Bath Hotel Office on Friday.
Mr. Parry told the Department of Information he was pleased that the Company’s Chief Financial Officer (CFO) Mr. Demetrius Pocanus, Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Mr. Kerry Mc. Donald and General Manager (GM) Mr. Rawlinson Isaac, were able to provide a report to the people of Nevis on the matter.
According to the CFO, the Company had reached an important benchmark, in the face of what appeared to be the absence of physical activity on the ground in Nevis. He explained however, that work had continued behind the scenes on the technical documentation, designs, the Environmental Impact Assessment studies among others.
“We are happy to report that the Environmental Impact Assessment Study is ready and will be filled with the Export Import Bank within the next week that will kick start the process of getting the loan with EXIM Bank and Scotia.
“Also an important benchmark has been achieved – all contractors have been selected for this project and as a matter of fact, in September we will be purchasing the power plant out of California. Also in September we will start doing some road works and preparing the pad to start the drilling. Also in September we will start doing some road works and preparing the pad to start the drilling,” he said.
Mr. Pocanus added that physical activity on the ground which included drilling the wells and cementing the pad for the power plant was estimated to commence sometime in January.
Mr. McDonald used the opportunity to provide an insight into some of the technical details involved in the geothermal project that the Company has had to contend with.
“We will start physically having the plant designed and made ready to use in Nevis so that it will be ready to be shipped in January. Also we finish the design of the production wells which is a very important aspect, so that the production wells will work properly and provide the proper flows and are done correctly [and] that has just been finished.
“The drill that will be drilling it will be ready sometime in October. It will be ready with all the equipment to be shipped out and we plan to have drilling commence in January that will give us the ability to drill the three holes we need for Nevis so that we would be able to provide the power as we said,” he assured.
Meantime, General Manager Mr. Rawlins Isaac told Mr. Parry that the Company had been working assiduously on the ground to make connections with our various suppliers.
He noted that they would soon be a more vigorous public relations drive designed to keep the people of Nevis abreast with the happenings with regard to the various aspects of the geothermal project as work advanced, until they had delivered the geothermal energy that had been promised to the people of Nevis.