Renowned Barbadian facilitator rates SEDU on Nevis as top class in the region

NIA CHARLESTOWN NEVIS (May 25, 2018) — Mr. Timothy Prescott, facilitator of the first Essential Oils Workshop on Nevis hosted by the Small Enterprise Development Unit (SEDU) in the Ministry of Finance, says the agency is the best functioning one he has encountered in the Caribbean region.
A renowned Barbadian facilitator, Mr. Prescott who conducts training workshops in a variety of areas applauded SEDU at a closing ceremony and expo at end of the two-week workshop at the Nevis Co-operative Credit Union Complex on May 23, 2018.

“You are actually fortunate here, to have one of the best functioning SEDUs because there are several in the region…This is the first SEDU I’ve worked with that is actually very connected to the people and I think you have Catherine Forbes to thank for that.
“It is one of the first times I have come into contact with someone so high in a SEDU that’s so connected…There is a real vision to connect with people and yet, doing business. Real people doing real business and not just spreading information and leaving it out there to fly,” he said.
Mr. Prescott noted he felt moved to speak of his findings because it was the first time he had worked with such an agency.
“It really is the first time in my career that I have actually worked with an agency so high up to the government. An agency where people at the top really are truly looking to connect with ordinary people at the bottom,” he said.
Ms. Forbes has been the Development Officer at the unit for the past 10 years. The unit was established in 2004 and has placed training and development at the core of its mandate to develop the small business sector on Nevis, which is poised to become the engine of growth for the NIA.
Over the years, SEDU has provided training workshops to small businesses in the areas of accounting and marketing. The most recent dealt with business development in the agriculture sector, in an effort to promote sustainable livelihoods.
The workshop falls in line with the policy adopted by the Ministry of Finance and SEDU to develop new business entities in the agricultural sector not only in farming but also value added products that can be created from agricultural products.