St. Kitts and Nevis Bar Association donates to Flamboyant Nursing Home for Law Week 2021

NIA CHARLESTOWN NEVIS (November 23, 2021) — Residents of the Flamboyant Nursing Home in Nevis were presented with a donation from the St. Kitts and Nevis Bar Association on November 22, 2021, as part of the organisation’s annual Law Week activities.

In presenting the gift to Registered nurse Kella Didier, who at the time is in charge of the facility, and nursing assistant Cecilia Stanley; Ms. Anmarieta Staines, on behalf of the association, noted that the donation is not the first of its kind to the nursing home.
“Today we are here doing our presentation to the Flamboyant Nursing Home which is something we would have been doing for several years now and this is our little token. Because of the pandemic we were not able to fellowship with the residents of the Flamboyant Home so today we are doing our part in giving back to the community…
“We hope that they appreciate the little gesture from the St. Kitts and Nevis Bar Association. Some of the items that we have today: – standing fan, we have wipes, tumblers, toiletries and this is just a portion. We do intend to continue throughout the week but today is just the first day for our presentation,” she said.
Ms. Staines also used the opportunity to encourage members of the public to participate in the final activity which will herald the end of Law Week 2021.

“Law Week ends this Saturday, November 27, where in St. Kitts we will be going on a Hash at the Romney Manor and that starts at 3:30.
“In Nevis we will be going on a hike to the lighthouse. The cost is just $30 so we encourage persons to come and get fit with us in our ‘Fit to Practise’ activity in Law Week,” she said.
Meantime, in response to the gift nurse Didier thanked the association.
“On behalf of the residents and the staff of the Flamboyant Nursing Home, we would like to thank you for your donations over the years. We really do appreciate your kind gesture and we thank you for thinking about the residents,” she said.
Also present were Ms. Shemica Maloney and Ms. Janicia Hodge both members of the association.