Thankful CSS student is Nevis’ new Youth Junior Minister of Tourism

Thankful CSS student is Nevis’ new Youth Junior Minister of Tourism

NIA CHARLESTOWN NEVIS (May 23, 2019) — Ms. Brianne Chapman a student of the Charlestown Secondary School (CSS) is the new Youth Junior Minister of Tourism on Nevis. She won the title at the keenly contested The Bank of Nevis sponsored Tourism Youth Congress 2019, at the Nevis Performing Arts Centre (NEPAC) on May 21, 2019. The win is the second consecutive year for CSS.
Moments after she was presented with the winning trophy by Ms. Oksana Williams, Tourism Youth Congress Coordinator in the Ministry of Tourism, Ms. Chapman thanked those who made her win possible.
“I would like to thank God for giving me life so that I can participate. Also, I would like to thank my mother. Without her I wouldn’t be this far because she helps me in all my academics. She made me courageous so I would have been able to volunteer and participate.
“Also I would like to thank Ms. [Pearl] Bergan, she did a tremendous job with helping us prepare. She also made our video and didn’t sleep for an entire day, and stayed up until 2 o’clock doing our video. Also, I would like to thank Ms. [Qwando] Jones who helped us with voice preparation and Ms. [Shariska] Browne who also assisted in making the video.

“I would like to thank my brother J’Dante Sweeney who encouraged me to win. Every time I do something he would say ‘Brianne you have to win’. ‘Brianne you have to win’ so that would actually motivate me and I was like okay, I have to do it for J’Dante. I have to do it for J’Dante,” she said.
Ms. Chapman will form part of a team representing Nevis at the 2019 Caribbean Tourism Youth Congress later this year, during the Caribbean Tourism Organization’s annual State of the Industry Tourism Conference (SOTIC) in St. Vincent and the Grenadines.
The other winners were Ms. Donella Thompson also of CSS who placed second and Ms. Sharinque Reid of the Nevis International Secondary School who placed third.
The other school participating in the competition was the Gingerland Secondary School.