Brown Pasture resident wins Nevis Culturama Festival Slogan contest again

Nicole Liburd winner of the 2016 Nevis Culturama Festival Slogan Competition
NIA CHARLESTOWN NEVIS (MARCH 10, 2016) — The following is a press release from the Culturama Secretariat dated March 09, 2016, announcing the winner of the 2016 Nevis Culturama Festival Slogan Competition.
“Celebrating the Old, Showcasing the New! Culturama 42!” will be the slogan for the 42nd staging of Nevis’ Culturama Festival which will be celebrated over the period July 21st to August 02, 2016.
The winning slogan was penned by Nicole Liburd a resident of Brown Pasture, Nevis. She will receive a plaque and two complimentary tickets to all Culturama 2016 activities.
This is the second time that Ms. Liburd has been successful at winning the Culturama slogan contest. She also won the Culturama 39 slogan contest in 2013.
The Festivals Secretariat takes this opportunity to congratulate Ms. Liburd for her winning slogan and wishes to thank all those persons who participated in the 2016 competition.