Housing Corporation ensures affordable homes for every strata of Nevis communinity

General Manager of the Nevis Housing and Land Development Corporation Mr. Eustace Nisbett
General Manager of the Nevis Housing and Land Development Corporation Mr. Eustace Nisbett


NIA-CHARLESTOWN NEVIS (October 27, 2011) — In another move to ensure that housing was afforded to every strata of the Nevis community, the Nevis Housing and Lands Development Corporation (NHLDC) introduced its single bedroom Petal design at one of its new housing developments.

According to the Corporation’s General Manager Mr. Eustace Nisbett, the new design is at present under construction at the Sugar Mill Housing Development at Hamilton and at Sunrise Housing Development at Maddens.

“The Petal design was introduced to provide a more affordable offer to the general public. The home is designed in such a way that it provides for easy expansion in the future. Of course, it is a one bedroom one bath design with provisions for some laundry facility, if the customer so desires. The cost is approximately EC$85,000.

“We have had a lot of interest. We have five of those homes [being] built over the last four months, four at Sugar Mill Housing Development and one at Sunrise Housing Development in Maddens,” he said.

According to Mr. Nisbett, the plot of land allocated to the Petal designed one bedroom house is approximately 5,000 sq. ft. which would accommodate an owner who would be desirous of expanding in the future.
A frontal view of the new Petal design one bedroom home at the Nevis Housing and Land Development Corporation’s Sugar Mill Housing Development at Hamilton. The Corporation’s Chairman Hon. Robelto Hector accompanying Contractor Mr. Trevor Sutton into the building
“We understand that some persons may be single and just want to invest in a single bedroom home for now and they would like to expand later based on their financial situation so we have taken all that into consideration,” he said.

Notwithstanding, Mr. Nisbett said though all five homes had already been sold but explained that persons who wished to invest in that type of home had options available to them.

“If you are interested in acquiring one of the Petal designs, the option to be immediately approved for one of these would be a lot easier if you are building on your own land. For those who are interested in purchasing one of those on the Corporation’s property, obviously you would have to fill an application form.

“For [construction on] your own land it would be a lot easier and you could get close to an immedicte answer for that,” he said.

The NHLDC Manager further explained that normally once the Corporation received the plan which would have to be designed and orientated for the specific plot of land, a response regarding approval could come as early as two to three days after.
The back view of the new Petal design one bedroom house
He did add though, that the cost of the house could be increased dependant on the elevation of the site where the prospective home owner wanted the house to be constructed on their private lands.

Meantime, Building Contractor Mr. Trevor Sutton of Butlers who has been in the construction industry for the past 15 years has been constructing the one bedroom homes for the Corporation. He described the new design as a good home.

“It is a good house for one person or if you are retired you could also make use of it. There is also space for if you would want to add an extra bedroom in the future or you want to extend the kitchen if you so desire,” he said.

Two of the four Petal design homes at Sugar Mill Housing Development and the other at Sunrise Housing Development at Maddens are expected to be handed over to the Corporation in the next two to three weeks. The remaining two are expected to be handed over in December 2011.

Contractor for construction of the new Petal design one bedroom house being offered by the Nevis Housing and Land Development Corporation Mr. Trevor Sutton of Butlers Village
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