Information Minister pleased with turn out for NIA town hall in Cotton Ground

NIA CHARLESTOWN NEVIS (July 27, 2020) — Minister of Information and Community Development, Hon. Eric Evelyn is pleased with the turn out to the July 23, 2020 town hall meeting in Cotton Ground, hosted by the Nevis Island Administration (NIA).

Minister Evelyn said the town hall meeting, the first of five in a series dubbed “Conversations with the People,” was an opportunity to dialogue with residents and provide them with an avenue to interact with their government representatives in a personal setting.
“I think it was a great first meeting. I was very heartened at the attendance at the Cotton Ground Community Centre. I think the presentations were well received and the residents asked a lot of questions.
“We feel it is incumbent on us as a government to come out to the public every now and then to give the people an indication of what we’ve been doing as an administration. It is important for us to come into the community and to touch base with residents, and I was impressed that we had almost a full house. That was very encouraging,” he told the Department of Information.
Mr. Evelyn said he was especially enthused by the number of young persons from St. Thomas’ who attended the meeting and the level of their participation.
“The young people not only came out, they had a quite a bit of interaction between the ministers. I think this new excitement we are seeing from the younger residents signals a new beginning for the parish of St. Thomas’,” he said.
Residents attending the meeting asked about road rehabilitation for some areas in the parish; plans for young entrepreneurs and training for young people; lighting for the basketball court and repairs needed for a retaining wall at the Cotton Ground Playfield; and the government’s plans to get people back to work.
The second town hall meeting is scheduled for Thursday, July 30, 2020 at the Franklyn Browne Community Centre in Mount Lily.
Hon. Evelyn invited residents in the St. James’ parish to attend and ask their questions and make recommendations. He said it is important for citizens to know that even though the elections are over, they can be assured that they still have the attention and support of the NIA.