Miss Teen Hospitality Pageant 2012 contestant – Shannon Morton

Miss Nevisian Heritage Village - Shannon Morton
The Nevis Island Administration’s Ministry of Tourism, through the 2012 Miss Teen Hospitality Pageant Committee, is pleased to present Miss Nevisian Heritage Village – Shannon Morton.
Miss Nevisian Heritage Village – Shannon Morton
Just as the Nevisian Heritage Village has been one of Nevis’ well kept secret so has its 14 year old Miss Teen Hospitality Pageant contestant, Shannon Morton.
Known in the Bath Village community as a shy, easy-going, laid back teenager, it is evident that Shannon’s appreciation for tourism and love for her homeland were the driving forces behind her decision to enter the 2012 Miss Teen Hospitality Pageant.
As an aspiring Fashion Designer, the artistic Shannon can be seen on many occasions, doodling with her pencil and letter-sized paper or perusing fashion magazines for hot new trends. With such an immense love for fashion designing, it is no wonder that Shannon enjoys sewing.
Other activities that capture her time are swimming, drawing, writing, hiking and listening to music. Although not very athletic, Shannon occasionally engages in rhythmic gymnastics, playing football and long jumping.
She is the embodiment of a well-rounded teenager as her many hobbies and extra-curricular activities have not handicapped her ability to produce excellent grades as a Form 3A1 student at the Charlestown Secondary School.
With History as her favourite subject, Shannon remains enthused about exploring many aspects of Nevis’ tourism product.
She is poised. She is confident. She is talented. She is elegant. She is proud of her Nevisian heritage. She is contestant number three, Miss Nevisian Heritage Village.