NDMD receives final consignment of multi-million dollar gift from Japan

NIA CHARLESTOWN NEVIS (January 21, 2020) — The Nevis Island Administration (NIA) through the Nevis Disaster Management Department (NDMD) recently received the final consignment of a multi-million dollar gift package from the government and people of Japan, to assist with disaster preparedness and response capacity on the island of Nevis.

Premier of Nevis Hon. Mark Brantley, while handing over a number of protective fire suits and equipment to the St. Kitts and Nevis Fire and Rescue Services, Nevis Department, at the NDMD’s warehouse at Long Point on January 16, 2020, told the group of officers present that the gift would enhance their capabilities.
“We will try our best in Nevis to ensure that we too are ready in the event any disaster comes, and I believe that this equipment here will be pressed to good use…
“So thank you very much members of the fire services. Thank you for coming to be here with us, and we pledge our continued support and whatever we can do to make your job easier as well, “he said.
Mr. Brantley used the opportunity to thank the Government and People of Japan for their significant investment in the people of Nevis and the wider Federation to assist with disaster preparedness.
“We pray and we continue to urge our people to pray so that we have no disasters but in the event that we do, we thank the Japanese people for their valuable investment in the people of Nevis and the wider Federation, in providing this large quantity of equipment and quite expensive, I’m told, top-of-the-line equipment.

“So as premier of Nevis and of course in other capacities – Minister of Foreign Affairs, I would like to extend my very warm gratitude to the government and people of Japan,” he said.
Mr. Brantley who is also the Minister of Foreign Affairs noted that the gift is a demonstration of one instance in which the physical efforts of diplomacy is seen.
“What we try to do is that when we go out into the world and we engage in diplomatic efforts, it is really to ensure that our people get the benefits and rewards, and why it is important to have it on camera? They say seeing is believing. So you can see for yourselves what those efforts have yielded in terms of making us more ready and better prepared for any disaster that might come,” he said.
The gift which comes from Japan’s Grant Aid “Economic and Social Development Programme” (Provision of Japanese Disaster Reduction Equipment), was delivered in two tiers.
The first consignment which was delivered in February 2019, included two front-end loaders, three disaster management mini storage units, rescue equipment, one drone, two SLR cameras, one dump truck and a pallet of spare parts, one rescue vehicle with snorkel, three pick-up trucks and a medical vehicle.
The second and final tier includes: fire suits, 1 set Close Circuit Tv, generator sets, tarpaulins, VHF hand-held radios and accessories and VHF vehicle mobile base radios and accessories.
The Japanese programme is designed to support the promotion of the economic and social development of developing countries, by utilising disaster reduction related products of Japanese enterprises.
Also present were Mr. Garfield Hodge, Officer in Charge of the St. Kitts and Nevis Fire and Rescue Services, Nevis Department, Mr. Wakely Daniel, Permanent Secretary in the Premier’s Ministry and Mr. Brian Dyer, Director of the Nevis Disaster Management Department.