Nevis Administration responded in quick time to fuel storage project, says Investor

The observation was made by a member of the Board of Directors of the Canadian Global Investment (Caribbean) Ltd. and Kittitian businessman Mr. Thomas Williams, when he spoke to stakeholders on September 25, 2012, about their decision to move forward with the project on Nevis.
“The feedback from Nevis was almost spontaneous and professional and conversations started in March with the proposal sent 4th April. Cabinet met referred it to the technical people, to the Legal. Department.
“We met again based on the findings from these departments and signed a MOU [Memorandum of Understanding] to continue the development and discussions on that particular proposal and this today is a part of what has continued since 27th of April. We have not yet heard officially back from the St. Kitts Administration,” he said.
Mr. Williams who is also the Vice President of the St. Kitts Scenic Railway and Chairman of the Whitegate Development Corporation explained that he had been asked earlier in the year, to take representatives of Canadian Global Investments Ltd. who he had not know previously on a field trip to the Corporation because they had the impression that it was okay to come to St. Kitts to build an oil refinery, since there was historical evidence which suggested there may have been past initiatives for that kind of venture.
“We are in a new dispensation and knowing what we know, an oil refinery is certainly not what’s good for us. Of course in a pristine environment where there is tourism development, I knew it was not possible in White Gate. However, as a courtesy to these gentlemen I took them on the trip and showed them the settings. When they saw the past La Valley Greens Project and when they saw the Kittian Hill Project in a good stage of development just to the back of them, they knew that below them could not be the place for that type of operation particularly a refinery.
“I drove back to Basseterre with them and showed them another industrial site because there is already a boat yard facility there which is not so eco sensitive and I said you know what, you probably should try to do what most people are going for these days fuel storage it’s in high demand and a lot of people are going at it. In St. Eustatius for that matter there is demand for an expansion of the already big operations there, so I said you know what, do two new proposals for a storage tank facility and send them one each to St. Kitts and to the Nevis Island Administration and that was done dated 4th April,” he explained.
Notwithstanding, Mr. Williams indicated that a letter was sent to Mr. Andre Reid by the St. Kitts Investment Promotion Agency two months later dated July 20 which requested a re-engagement on a refinery and a fuel storage facility. He noted that although the oil refinery was out of the question, the Investment Group would continue discussions on other projects.
“We will continue discussions on projects, it may not be this one but this is an investment company and conditions and discussions would still be ripe for something to happen on St. Kitts, should it be approved and of course a desired project.
“This one on Nevis has now received worldwide support and there are several players now wanting to come and get involved in this one to the extent that the original estimate of a 5 million barrel storage has now escalated to 12 million barrels of storage and that is why we are at this stage seeking to acquire additional lands beyond what we have already secured in this process to date,” he said.
A previous press release from the company earlier this month stated that Canadian Global Investment Ltd. Canadian Global Investments Ltd. of Ajax, Ontario, was founded in December 2011 for the purpose of bringing investment opportunities and large-scale capital projects to the Caribbean and other countries, where there is a need for such investment and economic development.
Its President Mr. Stephen Cooper, Chief Financial Officer Mr. William Powdar, Chief Executive Officer Mr. Andre Reid and Director Mr. John Bergeron. The company said it was in the process of setting up a company in Nevis under the name Canadian Global Investment (Caribbean) Ltd. with local Mr. Thomas Williams on the Board of Directors of that Company.