Nevis Chapter of the SKN Chamber of Industry and Commerce meets with Premier Amory

Premier of Nevis Hon. Vance Amory (at the head of the table) with (l-r) Vice President of the Nevis Chapter of the St. Kitts and Nevis Chamber of Industry and Commerce Patricia Claxton, Administrator Deborah Lellouch, Past Chairman Mark Theron and Treasurer Warren Moving at a meeting at the Nevis Island Administration’s conference room at Bath Hotel on March 08, 2016
NIA CHARLESTOWN NEVIS (MARCH 09, 2016) — Members of the Nevis Chapter of the St. Kitts and Nevis Chamber of Industry and Commerce met with Premier of Nevis and Minister of Finance Hon. Vance Amory at the Nevis Island Administration’s (NIA) conference room at Bath Hotel on March 08, 2016, to discuss a number of matters of economic interest in Nevis and St. Kitts and Nevis.
Ahead of the meeting, Mr. Amory told the Department of Information that the meeting would be centred on issues which the Chapter feels are important to doing business and to the health of the Nevis economy.
“We will look at matters dealing with withholding tax, we will look at trends in tourism development and other policies which the government wants to have implemented which will impact the economy and the way the Chapter representatives do business in their own individual businesses and generally,” he said.
The Premier said he always welcomes the opportunity to meet with members of the Chapter because it helps him to explain to them what the administration’s thinking is on certain matters and for him to seek their guidance that would help to direct its thinking and policies.
He said the meeting would be mutually beneficial which would help both the administration and the members of the Chapter to do things more effectively and efficiently.
In response, Vice Chairman of the Chapter Patricia Claxton thanked Mr. Amory for taking time to interact with the organisation.
Other members at the meeting were Past Chairman Mark Theron, Treasurer Warren Moving, Administrator Deborah Lellouch and Member Ebony Harp.
The Nevis Chapter of the St. Kitts and Nevis Chamber of Industry and Commerce has been meeting every quarter with the Premier.