Nevis Culture Minister to host press conference
NIA CHARLESTOWN NEVIS (September 03, 2018) — All media houses and members of the press corps are cordially invited to a press conference to be hosted by Hon. Eric Evelyn, Minister of Culture in the Nevis Island Administration (NIA) on Thursday September 06, 2018.
The event will be hosted at the Cultural Village from 9:30 a.m.
At the press conference, Minister Evelyn will report on the recently concluded Culturama festival which will include providing a financial statement.
Members of the press will have the opportunity to ask questions.
The press conference will be broadcast live on the Nevis Island Administration’s Nevis Television Channel 8 (NTv8), NevisTvOnline .com, NTv Go App, NTv Facebook page and NTv YouTube page.
It will also be available on the Voice of Nevis (VON) Radio.
Your presence would be greatly appreciated.