Nevis Labour Department to host 2nd annual Career Fair with focus on technical vocational training

NIA CHARLESTOWN NEVIS (June 16, 2023) — The Labour Department in the Nevis Island Administration (NIA) plans to host its second annual Career Fair with a difference, with the theme “Shape your Future; Career Fair and Training Expo.”
Following a successful Career Fair in 2022, this year’s event will be held over a two-day period from July 10-11, 2023, at the Malcolm Guishard Recreational Park at Pinney’s from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. daily. Ms. Shaniele Skeete, Senior Labour Officer, told the Department of Information on June 14, 2023, that the fair is designed to target skills.
“This year we are focusing on trade skills also known as vocational and technical skills because as we know, these skills are pretty much the foundation and they are very vital to today’s society, so we wanted to do something different and move away from academics and to focus more on skills,” she said.
Among the topics which will be addressed on the first day of the fair are professional development, skills training, work place behaviours and ethics, customer service training and financial management. The second day will be used for demonstrations and hands-on training in areas such as plumbing, electricity, welding and cosmetology.
The target age for this year’s Career Fair is from 16 to 21 years. There is no fee attached to registration. Those who wish to apply can visit the department at its Main Street office in Charlestown. For the high schoolers who wish to attend the fair, application forms are available at their schools in Nevis. Applications must be submitted by Friday, June 23, 2023. For additional information the department can be contacted at 467-5521 ext. 6561/6360 during regular working hours.
Meantime, Ms. Skeete says they will be liaising with local skill-based businesses including LEFCO Equipment and Rental Construction Company Ltd. and Stella’s Engineering Limited and also with St. Kitts and Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) and Advance Vocational Education Centre (AVEC) based in St. Kitts.
The Senior Labour Officer expounded on AVEC’s added role.
“AVEC will be on board and they will be partnering with other entrepreneurs in St. Kitts and possible internship opportunities may come out of this. They may be coming over with a contingent to be a part of the hands-on demonstrations, as well as bringing over other persons with them who may be someone from the electricity department or persons in those fields as well.
“A lot of people don’t know but AVEC is now an accredited school. They became accredited in March of this year so we had a meeting with them and that’s why we are collaborating with them.
“The Labour Department in Nevis will be working with them…so that even when students are finished with their certification or their training, we would be able to help them with job placement because we have an employment agency. So we are working on bridging that gap,” she said.