Nevis Trade Industry and Consumer Affairs Minister issues challenge to local investor

NIA-CHARLESTOWN NEVIS (November 18, 2011) — Minister of Trade and Industry Consumer Affairs in the Nevis Island Administration (NIA) Hon. Dwight Cozier challenged Directors and Management of local investor SL Horsford Co. Ltd. to continue to provide consistent low costs on the products they offered the Nevis public at their newest investment.
He threw out the challenge on Wednesday November 16, 2011, at the Dedication of the Valu Mart IGA Supermarket and Commercial Complex at Farms Estate on Nevis, one day before the facility was opened to the public. He said the NIA was a willing partner in the effort to keep consumer cost low.
Mr. Cozier thanked the local company for its bold investment in Nevis’ small economy which he said was seen, at this time, as a profound statement of confidence in the Government and People of Nevis.
“Your investment will help the people of Nevis and its government in the form of lowered prices and therefore, the lowered cost of living…
“I believe that with this promise to the consumers of Nevis that you are heading for even more success in our tiny economy. So I say a big thank you to SL Horsford for your vote of confidence in our tiny Nevis economy,” he said.
With regard to the new investment, the Minister noted that the provision of a more investor friendly environment was a precise and specific promise of the Nevis Reformation Party in Government on its assumption to office in 2006.
Notwithstanding, the Minister said he was aware that the new investment which marked another milestone in the development of Nevis, had provided employment for a number of persons. He used the opportunity to share some advice with the new employees.
“To those who are being employed here, I say cherish your employment and work hard to make sure that you are successful at your job.
“Horsford is an institution that has manifested its success since its inception in 1875. It is not only your chance to compliment that success but your chance to be successful in line with Horsford,” he said.
The new supermarket and commercial complex is the second investment made by SL Horsford and Co. Ltd in Nevis. The first was the Business Centre at Stoney Grove over 16 years ago.