Nevisian students experience Logos Hope thanks to Premier Parry
“I was informed quite late that the ship would be docked in St. Kitts and maybe Nevisian children would not be able to participate in the ships activities. I immediately spoke with the Principal Education Officer, Mrs. Lornette Queeley-Connor who went into full action and made the trip possible,” he said.
According to Premier Parry, Mrs. Queeley-Connor ensured two boats were chartered to transport the 250 primary school students to St. Kitts, compliments of the Nevis Island Administration. The students, who were accompanied by teachers, were selected from primary schools across Nevis.
Mrs. Connor said the children who visited the Logos Hope had the opportunity to tour the ships library and purchase Christian books, music, stickers among other items.
“We at the Department of Education are pleased that we were able to make it possible for Nevisian students to take part in this activity where our children would be exposed to Christian values and ethics through books and other wholesome materials,” commented Mrs. Connor.
According to the Logos website, the ships are known for their floating book fairs. They have visited over 1,100 ports in more than 140 nations and have welcomed over 35 million people onboard.
Visitors can select from over 6,000 book titles, covering a wide range of subjects and available at a fraction of their value. Grants of books to schools, libraries, colleges, churches and universities in developing countries have been known to make positive impacts worldwide.