OAS Rep urges Nevis youths to become self reliant; build confidence

NIA CHARLESTOWN NEVIS (November 08, 2012) – Thirty-two youths at a Mini Business Lab Training Course for Young Entrepreneurs hosted by the Division of Youth Affairs in the Department of Social Services on Nevis, were urged to make their goal one of achieving self reliance and build the confidence necessary to accomplish that aim.
The advice came from Organization of American States Representative in St. Kitts and Nevis Mr. Starret Greene when he delivered remarks at the workshop on November 3rd, 2012 at the St. Paul’s Anglican Church Hall. The one-day awareness creation workshop was funded by the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) Barbados and the OAS in partnership with the Young Americans Business Trust (YABT).
“The impact of events of this nature is likely to be positive because partners at the local, regional; and hemispheric levels join together to support the realisation of the dreams of young entrepreneurs – dreams of becoming the captains of industry for tomorrow’s world – dreams of emerging as the movers and shakers of business operations in an integrated and dynamic Caribbean region.
“As aspiring young entrepreneurs, I challenge you to make your goal be one of becoming self reliant and in this connection, you must now begin to build the confidence to do things by yourselves and in your own way,” he said adding that self confidence was the key that opened doors to becoming self reliant.
Mr. Green also challenged the participants to choose to be their true self and noted that they should let the opinions they expressed be that of their own.
“Let the suggestions you offer come from your own lips. Let the thoughts you express be your own thinking.
“It is not good to imitate someone else. It is always a good thing when you stand up and be you. You should always remember that you are special. When you achieve self reliance, you do not have to depend for help or guidance from others. Therefore, make it a habit of depending on your own abilities. They are within you and available for use at anytime,” he said.
However, the OAS Representative told the participants that he was not advocating they ignored recommendations and guidance of others, since mentoring was a critical component in the Youth –IN Entrepreneurship Program.
“It is always a useful thing to get the input and opinions of other people. Sometimes it may be necessary to turn to your mother, father, sister, uncle, cousin, friend, professionals or an expert in the areas you seek advice.
“But making your own judgment and decisions, insisting on your right or ability to take certain actions, thinking your own thoughts and voicing your own opinion should never be compromised. They represent the most fundamental freedoms you could ever possess. They are your basic human rights,” he said.
In conclusion, Mr. Greene called on the participants to remain on the path they had chosen. He also reminded the participants that when they took the decision to pursue a path that would lead them to becoming highly successful entrepreneurs they also took the first step towards becoming self reliant and independent.
“Stay on this path because owning your own business will give you that self-mastery you always longed for. Emerging as the chief executive officer of your company will bring you financial security and that measure of independence you always wanted.
“When you are in a position to call the shots on behalf of your own business, you will grow in self-assertiveness, self-esteem, self-discipline, self-motivation and self-confidence, all qualities that will make you a truly successful businessman or woman. Work on self reliance, it is that passport to your success as a business person,” he said.
According to Supervisor at the Youth Division in the Nevis Island Administration’s Social Services Department Mrs. Diana Pemberton, the training session was designed to help young people to identify business ideas which could later be developed into business plans or established businesses.
She said it was a component in the larger UNDP project called Youth-Innovation (Youth-IN a Caribbean Network for youth development which promoted youth Inclusion, youth INnovation, youth Interest and youth Involvement.