Premier Parry briefs public on Governments plans for 2012

“My NRP-led Administration will pursue a number of programs and projects for 2012 that will improve the development of Nevis and the lives of the residents,” said Premier Parry, on his first broadcast of the show for the year.
During the program which is hosted by Press Secretary, Ms. Deli Caines and aired on Choice Community Radio and other local stations every Tuesday, the Premier touched on several facets impacting Nevisian life.
In the area of Health, the Premier informed listeners that a Dialysis Unit will be set up in Nevis to assist residents, and stated further that a number of persons who are interested in visiting or residing in Nevis require the Unit to continue quality living.
“Additionally, a number of private investors are interested in setting up health-related facilities on Nevis including an Intensive Care Unit (ICU) and a Cosmetology Clinic”, the Premier said.
In addressing Agriculture, the Premier told listeners, “Agriculture will continue to thrive as the department plans to maintain its relationship with farmers, give concessions, improve farming methods and help market the products of the farmers”.
In another initiative under Agriculture, “the Premier said the Fisheries department on Nevis will expand with the construction of a new Fisheries Complex in Charlestown that will facilitate a fish market, a processing plant for fish products, refrigeration and a locker facility for fishermen”. The project is to be jointly funded by the Japanese Government and the NIA, and will cost US$26 million.
Touching on the island’s lead sector Tourism, the Premier promised, “Efforts will be made to beautify the Bath Hotel, Saddle Hill and other visitor sites on the island, to the benefit of tour operators, visitors and residents alike”. He also said overseas promotional efforts will be intensified.
Turning to the all-important area of renewable energy, for which Nevis has become a pioneer in the OECS, the Premier said emphatically, “Geothermal continues to be on the agenda for the Nevis Island Administration (NIA), and this natural energy source will be pursued vigorously as an alternative to fossil fuel”.
“We will continue to work steadfastly on the project and it is important to note that the region is very interested in Nevis getting the energy, as a regional Minister of Communications will be visiting the island on Saturday (January 14) to see what has been done towards the geothermal development here,” said the Premier.
In its first term in office (2006-2011), the NRP-led NIA introduced the first wind farm in the OECS, and made great strides towards harnessing Nevis’ geothermal power in its efforts to curtail dependence on fossil fuels and high electricity bills.Where employment generation is concerned, the Premier noted that private sector investment confidence continues to grow, and refurbishment of the hotel property Villa Paradisio, a proposed Marina at Cades Bay, expansion of Brown Hill Communications and various other construction projects around the island, once brought to fruition, would increase employment opportunities on Nevis.
The Hon. Joseph Premier Parry said that in his people-focused Administration, Culture will not be overlooked. He said, “Culture on Nevis will receive a major boost, as the much anticipated, beautifully constructed, Performing Arts Centre will be opened in the first quarter of this year”.
The Premier also noted that development plans will continue in the areas of Financial Services, water expansion, social affairs, education, housing, crime prevention and security on Nevis.