Premier Parry Continues to Touch the People of Nevis

(CHARLESTOWN,NEVIS–MONDAY, APRIL 26, 2010) The Premier of Nevis, the Hon. Joseph Parry said he has been embracing the feedback and high level of questions coming from the Nevisian public during his new radio call in program, In Touch with the Premier.
“The show allows me the opportunity to answer questions, hear the concerns or simply dialogue with Nevisians and friends of Nevis at home and abroad. I am also very pleased about making myself available to the residents, because I understand the imperative value of a leader being able to touch the people,” commented Premier Parry.
The radio program airs every Tuesday from 11:15am-12:15pm and it is heard simultaneously on Choice Radio 105.3 FM and ZIZ Radio. Residents interested in talking to the Premier during this broadcast, may phone in at 869 469 5300/5304, callers in the United States and Canada can also phone in at 203 769 6292. A rebroadcast of the show is also heard on Winn FM at 7pm on Tuesday evenings.
In Touch with the Premier is one of a series of ongoing programs of the Nevis Reformation Party (NRP) led Administration’s bid to continue with their policy of transparency and effective governance for the people of Nevis.
The Premier also facilitates one on one weekly meetings in Charlestown which is opened to Nevisian residents every Thursday from 10am-1pm. Mr. Parry would like to encourage Nevisians wishing to raise any matter with him to take full advantage of the various means provided.