Premier Parry declares Monday, April 16 – a Day of Fasting and Prayer
CHARLESTOWN,NEVIS(Thursday,April 12,2012)– Premier of Nevis, Hon. Joseph Parry has declared Monday, April 16, as a “day of prayer and fasting for our nation’s challenges”. The Nevisian leader has beseeched Nevisians “to drop everything and fold your hands to pray”.
“Nevis needs healing,” Parry said during his weekly program, In Touch with the Premier. “We have been besieged by financial debt, political divisiveness, criminal activity and a number of challenges.”
Parry invited members of his Cabinet, the Opposition in Nevis, the Concerned Citizens Movement (CCM) to issue similar proclamations, “encouraging their constituents to pray that day for unity and righteousness for our nation and mankind.” He wants other politicians and residents of Nevis to join him at the Charlestown Methodist Church at 6pm after a day of prayer and fasting from 6am-6pm, organized by a committee of pastors and lay persons.
The Service is billed as a “non-denominational, apolitical, Christian prayer meeting,” hosted by the Nevis Island Administration.
“As a nation, we must come together and call upon Jesus to guide us through unprecedented struggles, and thank Him for the blessings of we so richly enjoy,” said the Premier.
Meanwhile, the Committee Chairperson- Mrs. Patsy Hanley, told the Department of Information on Thursday afternoon that the island needs “spiritual healing”.
“Some problems are beyond our power to solve, and according to the Book of Joel, Chapter 2, this historic hour demands a historic response. Therefore, on April 16, residents of Nevis will gather to pray for a historic breakthrough for our country and a renewed sense of moral purpose,” said, Mrs.Hanley.