Premier proud; Electricity Company managed by locals for the first time

“We have empowered our own people and this has been a great accomplishment for me. I feel that Nevisians can perform anywhere in the world as good as anybody else,” commented the Premier during his feature address.
He gave commendations to NEVLEC’s General Manager, Mr. Cartwright Farrell who became the first Nevisian General Manager of NEVLEC.
According to Premier Parry, Nevisians were able to perform in St. Kitts and abroad but many had not been able to shine at home. He said, finally Nevisians had been given the opportunity to demonstrate what they could do and they had done a brilliant job at it.
Meantime reflecting on the early days in Nevis prior to the inception of NEVLEC, long standing NEVLEC Board member and sitting Chairman of the Board of Directors, Permanent Secretary in the Ministry of Public Utilities and Energy Mr. Ernie Stapleton said the electricity situation in Nevis was a challenge.
During brief remarks, Mr. Stapleton said in the past, the electricity on Nevis was not reliable. He said if it rained- electricity went out. If the island was too dry- the electricity went out, for no reason at all- the electricity went out.
“Ten years later NEVLEC can boast of a more reliable supply to the people of Nevis. What is more significant is that all key positions in the company are now occupied by local Nevisians,” commented Mr. Stapleton.
Employees of NEVLEC were also honoured at the evening’s festivities, as the Mighty Jo Jo sang a Calypso and a poem was recited by Ms. Carlene Parris.