Public advised to scrutinize the newly published Annual Register of Voters

Copy of the Annual Register of Voters for 2022 posted at the Electoral Office in Nevis


NIA CHARLESTOWN NEVIS (February 09, 2022) – The Annual Register of Voters for 2022 has been published and Mr. Elvin Bailey, Supervisor of Elections for St. Kitts and Nevis, is encouraging voters to check the List for accuracy.

Mr. Elvin Bailey, Supervisor of Elections for St. Kitts and Nevis

The Register was published on January 31, 2022 in accordance with the National Assembly Elections Act, and posted at the Electoral Offices in St. Kitts and Nevis as well as in conspicuous places in communities in all constituencies throughout both islands.

“That List will require the general public to scrutinize it and note who their neighbours are and to challenge the rightness or wrongness of the Register. Any member of the public who lives in the same constituency and polling division may raise the challenge on the prescribed objection form within the first 10 days of February.

Annual Register of Voters for 2022 posted in the constituency of Nevis 10


“When you, as a voter, checks the list, and you discover that your information is incorrect, whether due to marriage status, job change, misspellings, new addresses, or name change, you too may challenge the information; but this time, it is a claim form that will be used to correct the information. That information is also published on a large sheet that shows what is and what is to be. Again, this is to allow members of the public to see and comment on the information presented,” Mr. Bailey explained.

Any objection made to the January Register and or the Claim list will be heard via the Objection process. Any decision emanating from the objection process can be challenged before a judge in chambers.

The Supervisor of Elections advised persons to check the list and make their objections and claims well ahead of any election.

“Do not wait until an election is called to claim that you did not know; although that is your right to exercise. If you get a notice, and you will, please respond to the instructions.

Annual Register of Voters for 2022 posted in the constituency of St. Kitts 2


“We take every precaution to give every registrant proper notice of any challenge made to a registration. We have and will continue to go beyond what the law requires using online and newspaper notification. All we ask is that the general public avails itself of the opportunities presented and help us to help you. All we are interested in achieving is that each eligible person gets one vote in the right place, thereby ensuring fairness to all.”


Persons needing further information can call the Electoral Office in St. Kitts at 465-2873 and on Nevis at 469-5521.








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