Seven Calypsonians named to compete in Senior Kaiso competition

Following the 2008 Culturama Calypso semi-finals on Saturday July 26 which involved 13 calypsonians, the Culturama committee revealed on July 28, 2008, the names of seven who would vie for the senior monarch title against reigning king Dis N Dat.
The successful calypsonians were Jo-Jo, Pungwa, Daddy Fresh Cold, Baker, Nutsie, Astro and De Inspirer who was last year’s Junior Kaiso Monarch.
Kibbie, Pupa Wheeler, Hollywood, Lenny, Adowah and Hooligan were not selected.
The Finals of the Senior Kaiso Competition would be held at the Cultural Complex on Saturday August 02.
Daddy Fresh Cold
Calypsonian De Inspirer