The 2012 Nevis Culturama Committee presents Ms. Culture Queen Pageant contestant number four, Miss NEVLEC Grace Percival

As a talented and ambitious young woman, Grace is a self-employed cosmetologist. She aspires to open her own clothing and shoe store and a bar. This is driven by her personal motto “NEVER SAY NEVER.”
She is the daughter of Vera Percival; a proud mother of six children, who also happens to be Grace’s role model. “She is a single mother who loves and cares for her kids. She is a strong independent, generous, determined woman who never gives up,” Grace says of her mother.
In her leisure time, Grace enjoys dancing, dramatizing, watching television and listening to music.
She is no stranger to pageantry as she entered the Ghautarama Show, the Labour Show, the Pam Show and participated in the Green Valley Festival.
Ms. NEVLEC Grace Percival is being chaperoned by Roslyn Berkeley.
You are invited to the Nevis Cultural Complex on Sunday 5th August 2012 to see Ms. Culture Queen Pageant contestant four, Miss NEVLEC Grace Percival.