Traffic Department gives alternative routes to facilitate road works in Stoney Grove

NIA CHARLESTOWN NEVIS (February 04, 2021) — Over the next two weeks commencing on February 08, 2021, the Public Works Department (PWD) will be undertaking resurfacing works on the Island Main Road from Horsfords Building Center to the Rams Shopping Complex and Pump Road from the Roundabout to Club Trenim.
The rehabilitation work will be completed in two phases. In Phase One, milling off the old asphalt surface will be done and in Phase Two, the asphalt resurfacing will be done.
Phase One will be undertaken from Monday 08 to Friday 12 February, 2021, and as a result there will be disruptions to the normal traffic flow traversing this area over this time period.

Phase Two will commence on Monday, February 15. The traffic control measures implemented for Phase One, will be almost identical for Phase Two.
Drivers and pedestrians are kindly asked to take note of the following alternative routes provided by the Traffic Department of the Royal St. Christopher and Nevis Police Force Nevis Division for the areas to be affected.
Monday February 08, 2021:
9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. (Work Zone – the Roundabout to Club Trenim)
- The section of the Island Main Road from Prospect Junction to the Roundabout at Delta Gas Station will be closed for traffic from Gingerland to Charlestown.
- Oncoming traffic from Gingerland travelling to Charlestown will access the diverted through Prospect unto Long Point Road.
- Vehicular traffic from Gingerland will be allowed to access Marion Heights, Horsfords Building Center, Upper Farms Road etc. but there will be no though traffic in this direction.
- Vehicular traffic travelling to Gingerland from Charlestown will be not be affected. Travel in this direction will remain as normal during the morning work session.
Monday February 08, 2021:
1:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. (Horsfords Building Center to the Rams Shopping Complex to Roundabout)
- Traffic from Charlestown to Gingerland will be diverted through Prospect via Long Point Road, reconnecting with the Island Main Road at Prospect Junction.
- Gingerland to Charlestown bound traffic will continue the same pattern as established in the Morning.
Tuesday February 09, 2021:
9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. (Work Zone – Roundabout area)
- No through traffic at the roundabout. All vehicular traffic will be detoured around the roundabout using the available side streets and business parking lots and aprons.
- Vehicles travelling from Charlestown to Gingerland and Charlestown to Long Point will detour through the Delta Gas Station, turn right at the Stepping Stone Nursery on Pump road and connect back onto the Island Main Road along Rodney’s Cuisine Road.
- Vehicles travelling from Gingerland to Charlestown will be detoured at Stoney Grove along the middle access road by the Myers Building, and traverse along the village road exiting at the roadway across from the Water Department next to the location of their BBQ tent.
- Vehicles travelling to and from Long Point from all directions will detour through the Valumart Parking Lot.
- No vehicles shall enter the Rodney’s Cuisine Road from the Island Main Road.
Wednesday February 10, 2021:
9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. (Work Zone – Delta Gas Station to Rams)
- All Charlestown to Gingerland traffic will be detoured to Long Point Road, via the dirt road through the Bath Cemetery.
- All Gingerland to Charlestown traffic and Long Point to Charlestown traffic will be detoured though Pump Road.
- Patrons of the businesses along the stretch of the Island Main Road from RSJ Enterprises to Rams will have access to and from the businesses from the Charlestown/Western direction only.
Thursday February 11, 2021:
9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. (Pump Road – Delta Gas Station to Club Trenim)
- Pump Road Closed to all traffic from the Roundabout to the Club Trenim.
- No access to Pump Road via the Upper Stoney Grove roads.
Phase Two works, the Asphalt resurfacing from February 15 to 19, 2021, will employ the same traffic diversion plan.