Work on road rehabilitation projects on Nevis recommence

NIA CHARLESTOWN NEVIS (February 15, 2019) — The Public Works Department and the Nevis Water Department Work recommenced work on Nevis on road rehabilitation projects which began in 2018, following their Christmas vacation.

Hon. Spencer Brand Minister of Public Works, and Water in the Nevis Island Administration (NIA) spoke to the Department of Information on February 13, 2019, of the status of the ongoing road rehabilitation projects in Brown Hill, Bath Village and Craddock Road.
“We are continuing on the Brown Hill Road Rehabilitation Project. We have the main bridge to do next to the Seventh Day Adventist Church. We have some realignment to do. At the moment the surveyor is giving the points for the realignment, and that too is also going to be ongoing very shortly.
“In the Craddock Road area, we continue with our water enhancement part of the rehabilitation of the Craddock Road. At the moment, the Water Department is installing a 4-inch PVC main. We

would have already made the connection from the by-pass road unto Craddock Road. That was done a week or two ago, and we are continuing along Craddock Road until we get to the area of Big Rock. So that part is still ongoing,” he said.
Work also resumed on the Bath Village Road Rehabilitation Project, and on February 13, 2019, the first section of Phase 1 of the project was completed. Work on the second section is slated for completion in six weeks.
Meantime, Mr. Brand thanked those who are adversely affected by the ongoing road works.

“I want to use this opportunity to thank all of the residents and all the motorists for their patience and their understanding during the disruption.
“In Bath Village, there was some disruption for some time, and I want to thank the residents and the motorists for being patient with us, and in Craddock Road as well, I want to thank them thus far. I know it’s a bit dusty, and I hope that when all is said and done that they would be the ultimate beneficiaries of all that we are seeking to do,” he said.