Work on second road underway in Butlers Road Rehabilitation and Enhancement Project

The Nevis Island Administration Department of Public Works begins rehabilitation of Range Road as part of the Butlers Road Rehabilitation and Enhancement Project (November 04, 2021)


NIA CHARLESTOWN NEVIS (November 10, 2021) – – The Nevis Island Administration (NIA) Department of Public Works continues its steady progress on the Butlers Road Rehabilitation and Enhancement Project as a second major road in the area is being prepared for resurfacing.

Mr. Jevon Williams, Director of Public Works and Hon. Spencer Brand, Minister of Public Works and Physical Planning in the Nevis Island Administration at the Butlers Road Rehabilitation and Enhancement Project

Mr. Jevon Williams, Director of Public Works, gave an update on the project during a recent visit to the site with Minister of Public Works and Physical Planning, Hon. Spencer Brand.

“In conjunction with Cistern Road we are also right now working on excavating and putting down the rough grade on the road that is known as the Range, which is the middle village road in Butlers. We are also targeting that before we close off for the year, that road would also be asphalted,” he explained.

Some 930 feet of road is being rehabilitated for the Range, and approximately 1025 feet for Cistern Road.

Mr. Williams also highlighted a critical component of the civil works- that the historic stone dams in the area would be preserved.

“In the conceptualization of this project we had made a commitment to the people of Butlers that we would try to maintain as best as possible the old infrastructure, more specifically, those old stone dams. There’s one at the top of Cistern Road- we will not be taking that out. We will be leaving it in place and it will remain as a landmark for years to come,” he said.

Landmark stone dam will remain in place amid ongoing civil works in Butlers Village

The first phase of the project, which involved the excavation of the carriageway of Cistern Road and construction of retaining walls and curbs, is scheduled to be completed over the next few weeks. Following that the carriageway will be asphalted.

Minister Brand expressed his satisfaction with the pace and quality of work being done in Butlers, noting that when the multi-million dollar project is complete, the village residents will have a much-improved road network along with upgraded utilities infrastructure.

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