CULTURAMA 2013 PRESS RELEASE – 16th April 2013

The Nevis Culturama Committee has taken yet another initiative to engage Nevisians in becoming actively involved in Nevis’ Culturama Festival 2013. The Committee is today April 16, 2013 launching its first ever Culturama Jingle Contest. This contest is open to residents of Nevis and seeks to engage the creativity of music producers and artists by inviting them to participate in this jingle contest.
The winner of the Nevis Culturama Festival 2013 Jingle Contest will receive $500.00 and two complimentary tickets to ALL Culturama 2013 events.
This winning jingle will become the property of the Nevis Culturama Committee, to be used exclusively for the extensive promotion of Nevis’ Culturama Festival 2013.
Interested persons can pick up the contest guidelines at the Festivals Secretariat, Cotton Ginnery Mall, Charlestown, or visit our face book page
1. The Culturama 39 slogan or parts thereof must be included in the jingle.
2. Elements of Calypso and or other native music styles must be present.
3. Two versions of the jingle must be presented.
a. Version 1 between 25 to 35 seconds consisting of music and sung lyrics
b. Version 2 between 35 to 45 seconds with about 15 to 25 seconds of no singing to allow for the insertion of a spoken script. The script is optional.
4. A compact disc demo with the key elements is to be presented to the Festivals Secretariat and the final mix and balance of the demo is not critical. Demos can also be emailed to
5. Deadline for the submission of demos is 4:00 pm on Friday May 7, 2013. No submissions will be accepted beyond the stated deadline.
6. When the winning jingle is selected it would then become necessary for a properly produced (mixed and balanced) final copy of the winning jingle to be presented to the Festivals Secretariat.