Nevis’ Deputy Premier challenges participants at historic women’s forum to come up with meaningful strategies for advancement of women in sub-region

Hon. Mark Brantley Deputy Premier of Nevis and Senior Minister in the Ministry of Social Development at the opening ceremony of the Sub-Regional Women’s Forum on the Sustainable Development Goals hosted by the Ministry of Social development in collaboration with the Commonwealth Women Parliamentarians and support from the Organization of American States at the Mount Nevis Hotel on March 22, 2017
NIA CHARLESTOWN NEVIS (MARCH 22, 2017) — Hon. Mark Brantley, Deputy Premier of Nevis and Minister responsible for Social Development, challenged participants at the Sub-Regional Women’s Forum on the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) on Nevis to come up with meaningful contributions for the advancement of women in the region.
The Minister was at the time delivering the welcome address and declared the two-day meeting opened at the Mount Nevis Hotel on March 23, 2017. The forum drew participants from the region, is a first for Nevis. It is hosted by the Ministry of Social Development in collaboration with the Commonwealth Women Parliamentarians (CWP), with support from the Organization of American States (OAS).
He registered hope that meaningful strategies would emerge from the conference which would frame future dialogue and the process which would ensure that the goals for women and girls are attained by 2030.
Mr. Brantley noted, that of the 17 goals outlined, several of them were specifically designed in the interest of women and girls, with the common thread focussing on women’s autonomy and gender equality.
He said inequality, which appears to be the norm, ought not to be. Therefore it is important that actions such as the goals of reducing inequality within the countries to achieve gender equality and the empowerment of all women and girls, must be realised through the framework already set in the Sustainable Development Goals.
The Minister added that as a result, there is much work to be done but is confident, however, that women are capable of getting the job done if the goals are to be realised by 2030.

He said Nevis was not only an island wrapped in natural beauty but also in an abundance of history.
“I trust the conference organisers will permit you some time to savour the flavour of this wonderful island God has blessed abundantly.
“May you leave with fond memories and hasten to return because in Nevis, you are only a stranger once,” he said.
Other remarks were made by Hon. Hazel Brandy-Williams, Junior Ministry in the Ministry of Social Development, and Ms. Joy Napier, Caribbean Community (CARICOM) Youth Ambassador and chairperson for the opening ceremony.