Nevis Minister of Youth donates school supplies to Joycelyn Liburd Primary School

NIA CHARLESTOWN NEVIS (September 28, 2020) — Students of the Joycelyn Liburd Primary School in Gingerland were on September 24, 2020 gifted school supplies from the Parliamentary Representative for St. George’s Parish Hon. Eric Evelyn, Minister of Youth and Community Development in the Nevis Island Administration (NIA).

Mr. Evelyn presented the entire student population with books, pencils and other learning tools. He said this was the fulfillment of a commitment he made to the school’s management in 2019.
“Last year I would have visited the school and promised that at the beginning of each school year, I would come to the school for a brief visit just to interact with the teachers and students and give them some encouragement…
“I’ve come this year with gifts that all 177 students of the Joycelyn Liburd Primary School will benefit from,” he said during a brief ceremony on the school campus.
Mr. Evelyn presented the stationery to Mr. Shefton Liburd, Education Officer with responsibility for the school, who in turn handed them over to the school’s principal Ms. Barbara Hendrickson.
The principal thanked Mr. Evelyn for making the timely and welcomed donation of school supplies.
“As long as there is school there will always be a need for books and pencils, pens and rulers. On behalf of the Joycelyn Liburd Primary School, I just want to express heartfelt gratitude for this very kind and meaningful gesture. Of course we are going to put the supplies to very good use,” she said.
Mr. Evelyn said he hopes to make a similar presentation to the Gingerland Secondary School, in the near future.