Premier to be Valentine Day guest on Voices radio program

Premier of Nevis, Hon. Joseph Parry on the radio (file photo)
Premier of Nevis, Hon. Joseph Parry on the radio (file photo)

Charlestown, Nevis-(Monday, February 13, 2012)–Nevis Premier, the Hon. Joseph Parry will be a guest on Voices radio program on WINN FM, 98.9 on Tuesday, February 14, at 11am, with a link-up of Choice Community Radio 105.3 FM.

The Premier said the show will offer another opportunity for him to give account to Nevisians in and outside of Nevis of the performance of his Nevis Reformation Party (NRP)-led Administration, now in its second term in office.

“I believe that being a guest on Winn FM is yet another avenue afforded to our nationals to question, to seek clarification, to get information, and more importantly to express their own concerns, and provide suggestions to me and my government on the many issues and challenges facing the island of Nevis,” said Premier Parry.

He said that during the program he will present several initiatives of his governing NRP Administration, and keep the general public adequately informed of decisions taken by government on their behalf.

The Premier’s Valentine Day date with the popular two-hour talk show hosted by Ian “Patches” Liburd, will also feature calls from the general public, and will underscore Premier Parry’s open approach to governance. Only last week, a caller to his weekly radio show “In Touch with the Premier” lauded the Nevisian leader for his unmatched record of transparency in government.

Voices Host, Mr.Ian "Patches" LiburdThe Hon. Joseph Parry has taken several initiatives to inform Nevisians at home and abroad, including the aforementioned In Touch With the Premier, allowing members of the public and interest groups to call in and ask questions, make suggestions or make comments.

The Premier also holds weekly One-on-One meetings with the general public in a private setting in an office located in down-town Charlestown.

Meantime, host of the Voices program, Mr. Ian “Patches” Liburd said that he looks forward to dialoguing with Premier Parry on a variety of subject areas on his program.

The program can be heard by tuning into 98.9FM or via internet on and interested listeners can call into the program at 869 466 0989.

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