NIA assures support for island’s Postal Services
He was at the time participating in the budget debate after Premier of Nevis and Minister of Finance Hon. Vance Amory tabled the 2013 Budget before President Hon. Farrell Smithen on April 26, 2013. The Minister spoke to the existing system and described it as one that had outlived its effectiveness.
“The present structure of our Post Office has outlived its effectiveness. There is the need to revisit the structure and set clear goals for moving forward. Under this government, we will see our post office move away from the traditional technologies to more modern operations.
“We will launch a project to ensure that every household would have residential letter boxes, either directly outside their properties or in the case of large developments, in an easily accessible common area. Mr. President. I would imagine it could be difficult for the postmen at times with the types of dogs we have on island now,” he said.
However, he hastened to add that despite the limitations, the Post Office continued to serve the populace of Nevis through the delivery and dispatch of local and international mail, and to carry out money transfers safely, swiftly and with integrity.
Minister Liburd stated that the Administration would support the Post Office.
“This Administration intends to fully support the effort of the postal service, as they endeavor to improve on productivity, efficiency and customer satisfaction.
“We will, where possible, assist with the training of staff, so they can evolve and stay in tune with this ever changing, ever more digital landscape…This Government will make every effort to see our postal service grow from strength to strength,” he said.